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What does comparative negligence mean for your accident claim?

July 7, 2019

The aftermath of a car accident is frightening. If you suffered injuries in a crash, you understand how complex it can be to try and put the pieces back together. From dealing with your injuries to facing the mounting medical bills, you may be unsure of where to start and how you can move forward….

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Can you help victims of an automobile accident?

June 24, 2019
Car Accident Victim

There is not much as terrifying as witnessing a car accident happen right in front of you when you are commuting in Texas. Preventing shock from debilitating your senses is important to help you safely navigate the scene and help the victims as you wait for medical personnel to arrive.  Being prepared with ways that…

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Lawsuit filed after detainee dies in detention center

June 20, 2019

It might be assumed by many in Houston that when a person is taken into police custody, many of their rights are forfeited until their cases can be heard at an arraignment. Yet that is simply not the case. Even in matters related to their arrests, a defendant has the right to seek counsel from…

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Common reasons why partnership disputes occur

May 20, 2019
Houston Personal Injury Attorneys

Are you thinking about going into business with someone else? It can be a good thing, but it will most likely not be without its problems. There are a number of reasons why Texas business owners may experience partnership disputes. Knowing what they are may be of benefit to you when choosing a partner. An…

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Why are burns so expensive?

May 10, 2019

It is no exaggeration to say that a burn over a large part of your body could end up costing you almost a million dollars in Texas. According to the Industrial Safety and Hygiene News website, an electruction, on average, could have you in the hospital for almost two months and carry a cost of just below $800,000…

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What constitutes wrongful death in Texas?

April 17, 2019
truck accident lawyer

There is seldom a death considered timely. When someone else’s wrongdoing causes an unexpected death, however, surviving family members are often left wondering how they will manage. This hardship is why some people file wrongful death lawsuits. A wrongful death is a loss of human life attributable to someone else’s negligence or harmful intent. These…

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When Does a Workplace Accident Implicate Third Party Liability?

April 14, 2019
personal injury lawyer

Workers’ compensation is intended to cover accidents that may injure employees in the workplace, regardless of whether the employer or employer were at fault. But this no-fault approach may not apply if a third party was at fault, or if an employer was grossly negligent. In these examples, an injured worker may need an attorney…

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City could be sued for car crash

February 14, 2019

Cristyn Cordova was driving on busy Colorado Boulevard in Los Angeles when another car veered into her lane. Cristyn was forced off the road into the median, where she struck a large magnolia tree. She and three of her passengers died. Cristyn’s family sued the other driver, but they also sued the city, claiming that…

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A Personal Injury Lawyer’s take on: Product Liability

September 27, 2018

Anti-nausea medication Zofran is tied to birth defects. Zofran is an anti-nausea drug that’s often prescribed for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. But it now appears that taking Zofran while pregnant could seriously harm the fetus, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. According to the study of 900,000…

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Texting while Driving is Deadly…and Rampant

September 14, 2018
Erie car accident lawyer

As I ride to work on I-10, when the traffic slows, I see about half the drivers looking down at their phones. Surprising? Hardly. Terrifying? Absolutely. It’s terrifying that the technology in our hand has such power over our minds, that for a text or a post or an instant message-for their immediate and ephemeral…

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