Texas newlyweds killed in car crash just after the wedding
Aug 30, 2019
Two young Texas newlyweds promised last week to stay together and love each other until death parted them. Unfortunately, that event happened much sooner than anyone anticipated. They left the courthouse where they had just exchanged vows in a car last Friday afternoon when another vehicle reportedly crashed into theirs and killed them instantly. The accident occurred a matter of minutes after the marriage ceremony had concluded.
The other vehicle was a pickup truck towing a trailer hauling a tractor. Authorities have not indicated whether the driver of the pickup, who reportedly sustained no injury, will face any criminal charges. The mother of the groom was following the couple closely in her vehicle and witnessed the accident. She described the couple’s car coming to rest in a nearby ditch after flipping over multiple times from the force of the collision.
The bride was 20 years old, the groom 19. According to family members, they had dated on and off since the eighth grade before ultimately deciding to get married. Ironically, the official who pronounced them dead at the scene was the same justice of the peace who had just presided over their wedding ceremony.
The circumstances surrounding this accident are particularly heartbreaking, but it is always tragic when death or life-changing injury occurs as a result of an automobile accident. Victims who have sustained serious injuries and family members who have lost loved ones may find it helpful to seek the counsel of an attorney to determine if there are any legal options available to seek recourse.